Article: The SC Shim System
The SC Shim System
At Scarlett Chase, what we know for sure is that all feet are different. In fact, your two feet are generally not the same! Did you know that our founder has almost a 1⁄2 size difference between her left and her right foot? Certainly, this makes shoes very tough to fit, especially pumps which need to fit just so.
Often, when you are in the wrong size shoe you will slip forward, causing toe compression and heel slip. The answer is not a bigger size shoe. To help you address this challenge, we are enclosing two sets of shims. What they will do is improve the fit if your heel is slipping in one or both shoes by holding your foot back further in the shoe.
Scarlett Chase provides two pairs of shims with all pump purchases. An explanatory card entitled Beautiful Power™ Tools Enclosed is also included to explain how to utilize these shims. In addition, a 1-minute video demonstrating the application of the shims can be found here.
If you have misplaced your shims and have purchased SC shoes before, please contact us at to request a replacement pair for $10.00 to cover shipping and handling.